Not another vitamin shop

Supplements + Guidance

We aren’t here to sell you a silver bullet in capsule form.

In fact, we believe that natural, whole food is the healthiest way to fuel the human body. However, nutritional supplementation can help in some ways. We have carefully chosen evidence-based products that can be tailored to your eating habits & goals.

Our physician-led team has a deep understanding of human biology & health. We can help you choose the right supplements & dosing—and avoid the stuff that wastes your money.

Our supplements come from trusted brands that undergo third-party lab testing to ensure purity and dosage. We carry products from Transparent Labs, Nutricost, and other reliable companies.

Our Products

  • TL Whey Isolate
    TL Vegan Protein Blend

  • TL Creatine + HMB
    Nutricost Creatine

  • TL Gut Health Probiotic

  • TL Prebiotic Greens

  • TL Hydrate Electrolyte Formula
    TL Magnesium Bisglycinate

  • TL Krill Oil

  • TL Vitamin D3 + K2

What’s wrong with the supplement industry?

  • We won’t sugar coat it: Many claims in the supplement industry are unscientific salesmanship. No products can replace a healthy lifestyle, or reverse a poor one. At best, in combination with exercise, they can help you reach a goal more quickly.

  • In most cases, the stores & websites selling supplements are not staffed by healthcare professionals; nor do they have the background to counsel people on how to best use or dose supplements.

  • There are thousands of products in the fitness/wellness market—most of which cannot backup their marketing claims. Finding stuff that actually helps can be daunting.

    We have narrowed our selection to products that have clinical data to prove their effectiveness.

  • The vitamin and supplement industry has been notoriously shady for decades. Independent lab testing has confirmed that many products: a) do not have the “active” ingredients, or contain far less than stated, and/or b) contain traces of chemicals not stated on labeling.