Look deeper into your biology

Our Tests

Our assessments provide you with data that isn’t found in typical medical offices.
The results offer a foundational understanding of many health issues.

Lactate Testing

  • The energy source of every cell in your body is the mitochondria. The efficiency of this cellular “powerhouse” is foundational to aerobic fitness and metabolic flexibility. Mitochondrial function is critical for general health, weight management, and endurance activities. Poor mitochondrial function contributes to many chronic diseases, fat gain, fatigue, and frailty.

  • Mitochondria plays a crucial role in your body’s ability to use fat and glucose (sugar) for energy. Higher functioning mitochondria leads to more flexibility in using these fuel sources—ideally using more fat at rest.

    With poor mitochondrial function, your body will be much less able to utilize current body fat stores as well as food intake. Ultimately, this energy imbalance leads to spikes in insulin to dispose of blood sugar.

  • Lactate is a natural byproduct of all metabolic activity. Our cells use it as a “buffer” for acidity as we physically exert ourselves. Lactate levels build up as we transition through different fuel sources (fat + carbs) and metabolic zones. We can use lactate levels as a proxy for mitochondrial efficiency.

  • During a low-intensity exercise protocol (bike or treadmill), we measure your heart rate and lactate levels via finger prick. This data is used to determine your fat-burning potential and aerobic efficiency. The power generated at your aerobic threshold (or FatMax) closely approximates mitochondrial health and aerobic performance. For cyclists, we provide your FatMax in Watts/Kg, walkers/runner in METs. This “aerobic base” is critical for performance in endurance activities.

  • Based on your data, we also provide an individualized FatMax heart rate (aka. “Zone 2” or “fat max zone”) to optimize your aerobic training. This is the precise level of intensity where you will primarily burn fat and increase mitochondrial density.

  • For a resting lactate test, we provide a report with the result and level of risk.

    For the aerobic/low-intensity lactate testing, we provide you with a summary of important aerobic metrics, as well as a full report of your results.

  • A single resting lactate test is $39.

    A single low-intensity exercise lactate test (treadmill or bike) is $189.

    Or, you can save by bundling tests to perform. SCHEDULE HERE!

Body Composition

  • When at significantly high or low levels, total body mass or weight (BMI) is a risk factor for poor health. However, BMI alone may not tell the whole story. Determining body habitus (shape) and composition of tissue types (% fat, skeletal muscle, and more) gives a much more complete picture of a person’s health and fitness.

  • Carrying an excessive amount of total body fat can lead to a number of medical problems. However, not all extra fat tissue is equal in terms of health risks. Fatty tissue in the abdominal cavity surrounding your organs, aka. visceral fat, is especially problematic.

  • While many focus on excessive body fat, having sufficient skeletal muscle is critical for health, performance, and long-term weight management. Having low amounts of muscle (sarcopenia) increases the risk of obesity, many chronic diseases, and premature functional decline.

  • When trying to lose weight, the goal should be to mostly get rid of excess body fat and not skeletal muscle. This can be a tricky balancing act without guidance and measurement. For example, a very low-calorie diet (especially if lacking protein) may lead to massive losses of muscle. This decreases metabolism which makes weight management long term even more difficult.

  • We use a Seca mBCA 525 Medical Body Composition Analyzer in addition to standard body measurements to estimate the total body mass of each tissue type, as well as its distribution (limbs, torso, etc.). This clinical-grade technology has been validated to correspond with the research gold standard for body composition testing with a 95% correlation.

  • With each measurement, you will be provided with a report card with key measures, as well as a more detailed composition report from mBCA.

  • For a single test, the price is $59. Or you can save by purchasing a bundle to use over the year. SCHEDULE HERE!


  • Biomarkers, also known as labs, are measurable substances inside your body that indicate a biological state or medical condition(s). FitnessDx focuses on blood markers that are associated with cardiovascular and metabolic health & risk.

  • In traditional screening labs, the purpose is to detect the presence of a “silent” disease such as type-2 diabetes. While it can be helpful when an unknown disease is discovered, it doesn’t necessarily reflect a person’s complete metabolic condition or long-term risks of developing these diseases. We use many labs beyond the typical to help optimize your health and fitness even when a “disease” isn’t found.

  • Traditionally, people go to the doctor once per year or so. This is plenty frequent enough to diagnose a silent disease. But, labs can also help track improvements in fitness—moving you further away from future diseases!

  • While interlinked in many ways, we divide biomarkers into these 3 basic categories: Lipids, Inflammation, & Metabolic.

    Learn more about individual tests here.

  • Choose your panel of lab based on how deep of insights you want to gain. We provide 3 options: Basic, Expanded, and Advanced.

  • With each lab report, we provide a description of each test, your result, and category of risk. If you have previously done the same lab(s), we will copy prior results for a comparison.

  • We have a variety of panels at different prices ranging from $119-289. SCHEDULE HERE!

Metabolic Analysis

  • Metabolism is the fundamental process that keeps your body alive and organs functioning. This process converts nutrients and body tissues into energy.

  • At rest and low levels of physical activity, our mitochondria use oxygen (O2) to help produce energy. We call this “aerobic metabolism.” This O2 comes from breathing in, of course! As we exert ourselves, eventually, we move to “anaerobic” energy process.

    During most aspects of metabolic activity, we are producing carbon dioxide (CO2) as a waste product—exhaled through the lungs.

  • Many studies have established that breath analysis—measuring O2 consumed and CO2 exhaled— is the most reliable method for measuring metabolism.

    We use a gas analyzer called PNOĒ to provide to do this. Our clinical-grade device and protocols have been independently validated to offer accuracy at academic standards.

  • We offer a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test which determines the number of calories used per day (not including physical activity). Your RMR report will also include as assessment of how much fat is being burned vs. carbohydrates.

  • A “slow” metabolism or inefficiency of burning fat is often a critical factor in many struggling to manage weight. Fortunately, this isn’t a curse! Both can be improved with fitness; we can measure it!

  • Your RMR report will include the amount of energy (i.e., calories) your body consumes and how efficiently your cells (mitochondria) use fat and carbohydrates.

  • A single Resting Metabolic Analysis is $149, or you can book a bundle of services to save. SCHEDULE HERE!

Strength Testing

  • For millennia, being physically strong has been viewed as a marker of good health. This isn’t just folklore. Recent scientific studies have backed up the association. Conversely, a lack of strength compared to peers has proven to be a major predictor of many diseases, loss of independence, and even death among older persons.

  • Strength losses are, to some degree, natural and inevitable with the aging process. On average, a person will lose 35-40% of their strength between ages 20 and 80. This decline will vary greatly from 0.5 - 4.0% per year. If we can build up up strength or slow down losses, we can drastically reduce the chances of age-related frailty and health problems in middle-aged people.

  • Muscle mass is a major factor in strength. But, alone, it is an incomplete picture. Connective tissues and the nervous system also greatly contribute to a person’s ability to exert force on an external object or resistance. In fact, with strength training, initial gains (adaptations) are often not due to an increase in muscle mass.

  • Measuring strength can be challenging; even dangerous for certain people or with some movements. However, there are ways to measure strength other than with a barbell on your back. We utilize a device that measures the amount of isometric force–tension without contraction or movement–produced in any plane. We have created a very low risk system to assess a person’s lower body and grip strength.

  • We will perform an isometric mid-thigh pull (the midway point of a deadlift) and a belted squat. Together, these two movements account for the foundation of lower body strength and function. With appropriate training, you will be able to see significant strength gains within 2-3 months time.

  • A single basic strength test is $59, or choose a bundle of tests to save. SCHEDULE HERE!

Basic Body Measurments

  • Weight/BMI is not the best measurement as it doesn’t account for tissue types (fat, muscle, bones, etc. However, tracking this can be helpful in some ways when limitations are understood.

  • This is a much better predictor of health outcomes as it more closely approximates body fat and visceral fat than BMI alone.

  • With your height & weight, we use formulas to calculate your dietary protein needs.

  • We charge $19 per basic body measurement. That fee is waived with purchase of $100 in supplements. SCHEDULE HERE!


Not your usual, confusing medical results.

Each beautiful, easy-to-understand report contains:

  • Test name & description

  • Current result

  • Previous recent results for tracking progress

  • Level of risk

Which tests should I do?

Everyone has different health and fitness goals. Thus, the best test(s) will vary from person to person. If you have questions about where to start, please feel free to message us using the form below.