Movement is a powerful medicine.

FitnessDx is a lifestyle medicine program that powers your pursuit of health, performance, and longevity.

In medicine, we don’t recommend a treatment until a diagnosis is made. We believe the same about fitness.

FitnessDx helps fine-tune your lifestyle to manage weight, excel at sports, or fight aging.

What is your FitnessDx?

Is FitnessDx for Me?

Whether you are striving to set a personal best, lose some weight, or battle father time, we can help.


Whether you like to run, bike, CrossFit, or just play, FitnessDx can give you a leg up on the competition.

Help me be a better athlete!

Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome

If you are struggling with high body fat, high cholesterol, type-2 diabetes, or other metabolic disorders, FitnessDx can help you crack the code without more pills.

Help me get lean & reduce meds!


Healthy aging is more than diseases and lifespan (years lived). FitnessDx can give a blueprint for HEALTHSPAN—continuing the things you enjoy and maintaining independence as you age.

Help me age gracefully!

Connect the dots on your wellness journey.